Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jack Givens of Givens and Givens upgrades his marketing

I had the opportunity to meet with Jack Givens and his partner Blake Givens of the firm Givens and Givens in Tulsa, OK. Jack is a true inspiration as he believes in running a practice based on the very heart of integrity. "I believe in doing the right thing all the time". Jack has tried many different things when it comes to marketing his firm. When an attorney has a high standard in work ethic and integrity the word of mouth is of course one of the best ways to get new clients. Unfortunately word of mouth will only reach so many.

Jack sees the changing of times where advertising is moving from the yellow pages to the Internet. By having a website by FindLaw Jack will be reaching individuals who are interested in an attorney who wins by doing the right thing. I like Jack, he is a down to earth individual with a great deal of respect from other attorney's in the Tulsa Law Community.

I will update you on how Jack's business increases once his new site is up and running. I am so excited to see Blake continue to take care of their customers.
Congratulations Jack and Blake on over 50 years of legal service to your community.

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