Many offices I visit have great visions for their practice and little time to make that vision come true. Many of them have experienced pushy advertising salesmen and sales women who talked them into spending a lot of money and end up showing very little return. I love helping offices get their best return on investment for their dollar. In every case given appropriate time I can show how the traffic to their website along with other advertising can generate anywhere from 50 - 500+ website visits a month. Why such a drastic difference between 50 and 500? Internet Marketing is achieved in several ways. You would probably not be surprised how many lawyers simply put up a website and wonder why they are not receiving an increase in calls or e-mails. Internet Marketing is so much more than simply putting up a website.
Many Lawyers could actively embed themselves in doing what it takes to increase their activity. the biggest issue with doing what it takes is the amount of time it takes to make it happen. If an attorney does not care about taking advantage of the Internet now they will sure be sorry they did not do it in a year or so. Advertising space is being eaten up many times by attorneys that were trying to get their practice going or those who have realized how important the future of their growth will depend on the Internet. There is only so much advertising inventory to be taken and once it is taken the prices for that advertising will most likely go up. That is why it is important to be the leader in your community. Once you have locked in your advertising it is yours until you either let the contract expire or close your practice.
Take a look at the newest cell phones that include Internet. The cell phone generations are quickly figuring out they do not need to look in the yellow pages or and more and more of them are busy and not watching the television advertising. Also, yellow page advertising, radio advertising and TV advertising limits your advertising to a geographical area. What if you could spend those dollars smarter and get better results?..(PROVEN). Try calling your local television channel and see what it cost to advertise in Stillwater, Oklahoma City and Tulsa. With the Internet you can easily reach those areas with results you can monitor.
Some attorneys feel like all they have to do is get Google ad words. Internet Marketing is so much more. You have to look at three areas - Content of your site, Design of your site and the optimization of your site. If all three of these areas are not well thought out and put together by a team of professionals your money is simply going down the Internet drain. With FindLaw there is a full team of professionals waiting to assist you in your site customization. I will personally assist all the way to the launching of your site and help you with other ideas that will drive business your way. Don't waste your time or money on a local web designer that has very little experience in the legal industry. Simply allow me to give you a free 45 minute consultation to discuss your needs, vision and what you are doing about it.
Check out some others who have been very successful in other markets.
Thank you for reading.
Kevin McDugle
Business Consultant
Many Lawyers could actively embed themselves in doing what it takes to increase their activity. the biggest issue with doing what it takes is the amount of time it takes to make it happen. If an attorney does not care about taking advantage of the Internet now they will sure be sorry they did not do it in a year or so. Advertising space is being eaten up many times by attorneys that were trying to get their practice going or those who have realized how important the future of their growth will depend on the Internet. There is only so much advertising inventory to be taken and once it is taken the prices for that advertising will most likely go up. That is why it is important to be the leader in your community. Once you have locked in your advertising it is yours until you either let the contract expire or close your practice.
Take a look at the newest cell phones that include Internet. The cell phone generations are quickly figuring out they do not need to look in the yellow pages or and more and more of them are busy and not watching the television advertising. Also, yellow page advertising, radio advertising and TV advertising limits your advertising to a geographical area. What if you could spend those dollars smarter and get better results?..(PROVEN). Try calling your local television channel and see what it cost to advertise in Stillwater, Oklahoma City and Tulsa. With the Internet you can easily reach those areas with results you can monitor.
Some attorneys feel like all they have to do is get Google ad words. Internet Marketing is so much more. You have to look at three areas - Content of your site, Design of your site and the optimization of your site. If all three of these areas are not well thought out and put together by a team of professionals your money is simply going down the Internet drain. With FindLaw there is a full team of professionals waiting to assist you in your site customization. I will personally assist all the way to the launching of your site and help you with other ideas that will drive business your way. Don't waste your time or money on a local web designer that has very little experience in the legal industry. Simply allow me to give you a free 45 minute consultation to discuss your needs, vision and what you are doing about it.
Check out some others who have been very successful in other markets.
Thank you for reading.
Kevin McDugle
Business Consultant
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